Sunday, May 1, 2011

"Wise Man" = Asshole

Okay. This post is not about lesson of the day, but just to share my feelings. How do you feel if you have an annoying neighbor, staying just next to your house? It's irritating right? He will keep looking for your fault, & threatened to lodge a report to the higher authorities every time you have something that doesn't please him. I mean, come on, we don't live on this earth just to please each other, & if you have any opinion, talk to us FACE TO FACE. Don't go around & tell everyone that you are the victim of the situation. The funny part is when he found out that his neighbors have something better than what he has, jealousy is in the air, & you can smell it...!!! Such a "wise man" he is. Good Luck to you "wise man", & I hope that you will live "happily ever after" in your own "world". Please remember, if you did anything bad to my family, even to my dogs, I won't forgive you. I will make sure that you live in misery, FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.

Just for you, "Wise Man".

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lesson of the day - Look through every faces when u enter an elevator

Ding donnnnggggg.........
When an elevator door opens, make sure that u look through every faces before entering because someone u knew might be in that elevator. If u didn't notice, u will just enter and the person that u knew might just stand right behind u. He/she might think that u do that on purpose and u're such a cocky person, where the fact is, u just didn't notice because u didn't look through people's faces before entering..!

So, u know what to do???

Monday, February 28, 2011

Lesson of the day - Keep in mind, store them in your head.!!

Don't ever forget what u've learned before, as u may come across to the same situation, where u need to apply the things that u learned.

Sometimes we tend to think that, "I know how to do this, it's simple", but when we really have to do it on our own, we get nervous, and  the things that we thought we "know" will be suddenly missing from our head. In the end, nothing comes out.

Sometimes after someone taught us on how to operate a machine for example, keep the information in mind and never forget it because as we get to the higher level of practice yet we don't even know how to operate a simple machine, guess what...HUMILIATION is waiting for U....!